Terms and Conditions of Membership
By becoming a member of the club you agree to and acknowledge the following:
I agree to abide by the club’s code of conduct. Copies of this and other policies, such as for car parking, are available on our members page.
I understand that the club uses my personal data to create my membership record and keep in touch with members. If you wish to know more about how we use and protect your data please see our data protection policy.
The gym may only be used by members who are aged 16 or over. If you are aged 16 or 17 and intend to use the gym you must attend an induction session to show you the correct use of the equipment. If you are aged 18 or over you may elect whether or not to attend an induction session. Gym induction sessions are £20 for juniors and Adults.
I understand that court fees and session fees are not included in my membership subscription.
If paying monthly I understand that the minimum term for membership is three months and I cannot cancel until at least three monthly direct debit payments have been collected.
If I wish to terminate my monthly membership I understand that notice must be given to the club by email to [email protected] on or before the 19th of the month on which I wish membership to terminate, otherwise membership will continue with direct debit collected for a further month.